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So far Capital Congress has created 60 blog entries.
11 06, 2014

Thursday “Short Shorts” Party




Thursday night at the capitalcongress! Get your shorts and then make them shorter! Let your pockets hang out the bottom, do your squats, oil up, shave, epilady, whatever it takes!

Location: Westin Alexandria

Party begins at 10PM

Cover: $20


Thursday “Short Shorts” Party2018-10-10T08:07:54-04:00
6 03, 2014

This is Propel


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus venenatis purus tortor, a porta est sagittis id. Sed auctor sit amet ante nec malesuada. Curabitur cursus erat quis erat tempor tincidunt. Curabitur at turpis tempus nisi congue eleifend. Sed tristique ante quis vehicula gravida. Maecenas sed quam diam. Nulla venenatis velit sit amet mollis faucibus. Curabitur diam arcu, congue id feugiat vel, ultricies ac arcu. Duis non nibh id dui cursus tincidunt id eget lorem. Nunc justo mi, vehicula eu diam sit amet, vehicula feugiat enim. Phasellus vel eros nulla. Nulla risus arcu, gravida non varius id, porttitor non urna. Pellentesque nisl dolor, aliquam quis venenatis ut, imperdiet at sem. Mauris in placerat sapien.

Nullam erat tellus, eleifend id sem ut, condimentum fringilla ipsum. Aliquam fringilla luctus rutrum. In fermentum nunc at iaculis suscipit. Curabitur a sapien sed magna auctor dapibus. Duis nec feugiat tellus. Nam vulputate nisl lectus, ac dapibus arcu sodales quis. Proin semper nibh et feugiat condimentum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque a adipiscing urna, eu consequat neque. Sed aliquet lobortis quam, id pellentesque nunc tempus sed. Aliquam ut leo tempus, viverra enim et, venenatis nunc. In placerat ut nulla in porta. Fusce mollis feugiat lacus quis sollicitudin. Praesent eu dui et erat dictum pretium. Integer mi libero, laoreet sed urna at, malesuada posuere sem.

Pellentesque sollicitudin felis tincidunt, vulputate eros accumsan, dictum odio. Nullam dictum vel quam id malesuada. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis hendrerit bibendum risus, sit amet gravida urna feugiat in. Duis fermentum lacus eget quam tincidunt, eu cursus sapien ultrices. Duis non risus condimentum, imperdiet urna a, dapibus ipsum. Duis tempor blandit arcu at volutpat. Integer velit turpis, lacinia id imperdiet eu, pulvinar vitae velit. Aliquam dignissim arcu in vehicula mollis. Quisque malesuada, tellus eget feugiat faucibus, justo urna elementum diam, ut lobortis nunc tortor sit amet elit. Integer hendrerit viverra purus, et ultrices tellus porta a. Proin at neque non nunc hendrerit mattis. Fusce mattis nulla magna, ut vehicula neque semper non.

Fusce posuere dui sit amet purus lobortis, vitae mattis turpis lacinia. Etiam tincidunt nibh vel rutrum venenatis. Vivamus ornare risus turpis, in eleifend massa semper viverra. Nulla eu arcu non sapien adipiscing ultricies vel et quam. Curabitur eu scelerisque neque. Vivamus tincidunt tortor ac vulputate eleifend. Suspendisse purus libero, congue a eleifend ut, consectetur sed nisi. Suspendisse in ipsum lacinia, aliquet augue vel, malesuada libero. Nulla lobortis eget erat ut adipiscing. Donec ullamcorper orci ante, sed ultrices lacus eleifend vitae. Aenean pellentesque lacus felis, faucibus pharetra arcu pharetra vitae.

Morbi id magna eget purus pharetra lacinia ac a tellus. Sed elementum sapien sit amet sagittis eleifend. Pellentesque in sapien turpis. Sed ac condimentum nulla. Ut semper aliquam sagittis. Aenean lobortis mi et mauris scelerisque, ut pretium massa aliquam. Donec mollis velit quis mi elementum egestas. Maecenas lacinia, lectus et fringilla sagittis, magna neque rhoncus lacus, in molestie tellus nunc sit amet nunc. Sed odio mauris, tincidunt eu dui vitae, pellentesque volutpat nunc. Cras interdum blandit condimentum.

This is Propel2018-10-10T08:07:56-04:00
6 03, 2014

Out of Bounds


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet ultrices mi, ac sollicitudin sapien. Aliquam ac adipiscing dolor. Curabitur consequat vestibulum augue et interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris bibendum congue urna a eleifend. Integer vulputate a enim ac congue. Integer blandit sed eros mattis feugiat. Phasellus neque ante, sodales ut suscipit sit amet, posuere ut ante. In condimentum massa semper diam luctus, at adipiscing tortor rutrum. Suspendisse vestibulum ultrices nisi.

Sed ac consectetur dui. Nam a convallis dolor, non cursus dui. Pellentesque ultricies hendrerit sem eleifend eleifend. Nam sed mollis nibh, vel congue dolor. Fusce pulvinar velit lorem, quis pulvinar turpis feugiat sed. Aenean consequat, quam eget lacinia tempor, dolor arcu consectetur urna, quis rhoncus mauris urna a tellus. Aliquam orci eros, vulputate sed volutpat congue, tempus sit amet ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec blandit euismod lacus, eu fringilla magna laoreet eu. Morbi ut diam congue, faucibus sem vitae, sodales orci. Proin ornare ut nibh nec sodales. Vivamus facilisis, sapien in porttitor iaculis, turpis justo suscipit nulla, nec auctor turpis neque ut nibh. Morbi erat tortor, tristique ut ornare lacinia, malesuada in erat. Quisque sagittis id orci non malesuada. Nullam facilisis id dui a hendrerit.

Out of Bounds2018-10-10T08:07:56-04:00
6 03, 2014

Gallery Post


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet ultrices mi, ac sollicitudin sapien. Aliquam ac adipiscing dolor. Curabitur consequat vestibulum augue et interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris bibendum congue urna a eleifend. Integer vulputate a enim ac congue. Integer blandit sed eros mattis feugiat. Phasellus neque ante, sodales ut suscipit sit amet, posuere ut ante. In condimentum massa semper diam luctus, at adipiscing tortor rutrum. Suspendisse vestibulum ultrices nisi.

Sed ac consectetur dui. Nam a convallis dolor, non cursus dui. Pellentesque ultricies hendrerit sem eleifend eleifend. Nam sed mollis nibh, vel congue dolor. Fusce pulvinar velit lorem, quis pulvinar turpis feugiat sed. Aenean consequat, quam eget lacinia tempor, dolor arcu consectetur urna, quis rhoncus mauris urna a tellus. Aliquam orci eros, vulputate sed volutpat congue, tempus sit amet ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec blandit euismod lacus, eu fringilla magna laoreet eu. Morbi ut diam congue, faucibus sem vitae, sodales orci. Proin ornare ut nibh nec sodales. Vivamus facilisis, sapien in porttitor iaculis, turpis justo suscipit nulla, nec auctor turpis neque ut nibh. Morbi erat tortor, tristique ut ornare lacinia, malesuada in erat. Quisque sagittis id orci non malesuada. Nullam facilisis id dui a hendrerit.

Gallery Post2018-10-10T08:07:56-04:00
6 03, 2014



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet ultrices mi, ac sollicitudin sapien. Aliquam ac adipiscing dolor. Curabitur consequat vestibulum augue et interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris bibendum congue urna a eleifend. Integer vulputate a enim ac congue. Integer blandit sed eros mattis feugiat. Phasellus neque ante, sodales ut suscipit sit amet, posuere ut ante. In condimentum massa semper diam luctus, at adipiscing tortor rutrum. Suspendisse vestibulum ultrices nisi.

Sed ac consectetur dui. Nam a convallis dolor, non cursus dui. Pellentesque ultricies hendrerit sem eleifend eleifend. Nam sed mollis nibh, vel congue dolor. Fusce pulvinar velit lorem, quis pulvinar turpis feugiat sed. Aenean consequat, quam eget lacinia tempor, dolor arcu consectetur urna, quis rhoncus mauris urna a tellus. Aliquam orci eros, vulputate sed volutpat congue, tempus sit amet ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec blandit euismod lacus, eu fringilla magna laoreet eu. Morbi ut diam congue, faucibus sem vitae, sodales orci. Proin ornare ut nibh nec sodales. Vivamus facilisis, sapien in porttitor iaculis, turpis justo suscipit nulla, nec auctor turpis neque ut nibh. Morbi erat tortor, tristique ut ornare lacinia, malesuada in erat. Quisque sagittis id orci non malesuada. Nullam facilisis id dui a hendrerit.

6 03, 2014

No Image Post


This is a standard post with no image!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet ultrices mi, ac sollicitudin sapien. Aliquam ac adipiscing dolor. Curabitur consequat vestibulum augue et interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris bibendum congue urna a eleifend. Integer vulputate a enim ac congue. Integer blandit sed eros mattis feugiat. Phasellus neque ante, sodales ut suscipit sit amet, posuere ut ante. In condimentum massa semper diam luctus, at adipiscing tortor rutrum. Suspendisse vestibulum ultrices nisi.

No Image Post2018-10-10T08:07:57-04:00
26 05, 2013

Salsa Sexxy




Salsa SexxySalsa Sexxy is focused on providing a line of tees,  and accessories both comfortable and fun to wear. Take a look at our site and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.

Salsa Sexxy2018-10-10T08:07:59-04:00
26 05, 2013

GFranco Dance Shoes


GFranco Dance ShoesGFranco Dance Shoes was founded by Gladys Franco, who has been employed in the apparel industry for over 15 years. Ms. Franco has been employed by companies such as Quicksilver, Billabong, DC Shoes, and Mossimo. When Ms. Franco joined the Latin dance community, she recognized that styles of dance shoes available to serious dancers lacked fashion, comfort and affordability. As an admirer and avid collector of fashionable shoes, Ms. Franco was motivated to make fashionable dance shoes available to serious Latin style dancers. GFranco Dance Shoes was formed with this in mind but has evolved to not only Latin style dancers but other styles. Ms. Franco designs the line of shoes offered by GFranco Dance Shoes. She aspires to design and offer styles of dance shoes for fashion conscientious dancers who desire more than your common dance shoe. GFranco shoes are both fashionable and comfortable. GFranco Dance Shoes are sure to turn heads on or off the dance floor.

GFranco Dance Shoes2018-10-10T08:07:59-04:00
26 05, 2013

Dance Connection


dance_connection_350px Dance Connection’s goal is to enable our customers to dance with the highest level of protection, comfort and performance. They achieve this by providing superior products and customer service. Custom orthotics, extra padding, wicking materials and a wide selection of options.

Dance Connection2018-10-10T08:07:59-04:00
1 05, 2013

Yulio J. Gamonal (El Chalan de la Bachata)


Yulio Jeisson Gamonal Gutierrez, Business Manager/Membership Coordinator at CASA de Maryland Non-Profit Org. Co-Founder of Maracuyá DC – Latin Dance instructor/Choreographer/Promoter/DJ native of Ica-Peru, currently living in Washington, DC. He has studied and teaches Latin dance such Argentine Tango, Salsa ON1 (LA Style), Cha-cha-cha, Cumbia, y Merengue but he is locally well recognized in DMV area for his effort and success on teaching and promoting Bachata into the dance community. Website: www.FaceBook.com

Contact: Yulio Gamonal

Phone: 202.215.8618

Email: yulio.j.gutierrez@gmail.com

Yulio J. Gamonal (El Chalan de la Bachata)2018-10-10T08:08:00-04:00
1 05, 2013

Latin Vintage


Directed by Julissa Cruz, Latin Vintage represents the Richmond Latin dance community.
The goal of Latin Vintage is to contribute to the preservation and progression of Latin Culture through the arts of movement and music.

Website: www.Latinvintage.com

Contact: Julissa Cruz

Phone: 407-738-0186

Email: info@latinvintage.com

Latin Vintage2018-10-10T08:08:00-04:00
1 05, 2013

Salsa 4 Life


The goal of Salsa4Life is to share our passion for Salsa dance and music in Richmond, VA by providing lessons, weekly and monthly Salsa events that are fun, friendly and vivacious!



Website: www.Salsa4Life.com

Contact: Clara Toro

Phone: 804-651-8117

Email: Salsa4life@ymail.com

Salsa 4 Life2018-10-10T08:08:01-04:00
22 04, 2013

Ooh Salsa – Keith Givens


Keith Givens can be reached using the number or e-mail provided.  Also, you can purchase tickets from Keith on Salsa Mondays at Clarendon Grill in Arlington, VA.  Directions to the Grill can be found at www.oohsalsa.com

Website: www.OohSalsa.com

Contact: Keith Givens

Phone: 703-599-3300

Email: searchernet@comcast.net

Ooh Salsa – Keith Givens2018-10-10T08:08:01-04:00
20 04, 2013

Art In Motion Studio


Art In MOtion Logo

Art In Motion is home to Philadelphia’s top salsa, bachata, cha cha cha, and Latin dancers and instructors.

Under the direction and instruction of World Champion Salsa Dancer Darlin Garcia, Art In Motion is the best place in Philly to learn how to dance salsa as a beginner, intermediate, or advanced dancer.

Art In Motion’s dancers and instructors are highly experienced and trained dancers who have traveled the world competing and performing.

Website: www.PhillyAIMDancers.com

Contact: Liz Becerra

Phone: 856-495-8312

Email: info@phillyaimdancers.com


Art In Motion Studio2018-10-10T08:08:02-04:00
20 04, 2013

Richmond Salsa Meetup


The Richmond Salsa Meetup group is a non-profit forum for salsa enthusiasts catering to all levels of salsa dancers in Richmond and the surrounding area. Our purpose is to exchange information, meet, practice, learn to dance salsa and most of all to have lots & lots of fun on the dance floor 😀  Again all Salseros and Salseras regardless of what level of experience you have with Salsa or no experience at all are welcome to join the group.


Contact: David Prado

Email: dprado9@msn.com

Phone: 804-304-9007

Richmond Salsa Meetup2018-10-10T08:08:02-04:00
19 04, 2013

Mr. Mambo


Tommy Smith is the promoter of Mr Mambo’s Mambo/ Salsa/Bachata Social. The longest running Social in the DMV area now celebrating 8 years and still on going.

Salsa Loves Mambo ,is a phrase that symbolizes the fusion of the past and the present. We believe that Salsa, Mambo, and Cha-Cha are from the same root fundamentally, musically, artisitcally, and historically. Therefore, we champion these musical art forms with the resulting dance philosophies as a totally inclusive umbrella. A holistic umbrella that speaks musically to ALL people who love the full spectrum of these rhythms, from origins in Cuba to the present modern day Salsa bands and singers. This includes dancing ON1, ON2, or ON3 Cuban style!


Contact: Tommy Smith AKA Mr. Mambo

Email: LatinDanceTeacher@hotmail.com



Mr. Mambo2018-10-10T08:08:02-04:00
19 04, 2013

Stuck On Salsa


StuckOnSalsa is Washington DC’s up to the minute Salsa News Network which includes calendars for weekly and upcoming events and lists of places to dance, learn, and support Salsa! 

Purchase full pass ad pay juts 20.00 for StuckOnSalsa 10 year Anniversary workshop to take place Say July 20, 2013 at TSR, 50% off private lesson and Free StuckOnSalsa T-shirt!

Website: www.StuckOnSalsa.com

Contact: Earl Rush

Email: StuckOnSalsa@gmail.com

Stuck On Salsa2018-10-10T08:08:02-04:00
1 01, 2013

Leon Rose


Leon Rose - London / ParisLeon Rose is an innovator. Embracing the sensual art of salsa, Leon has been at the vanguard of the British salsa movement, since 1997. He was first introduced to salsa by his mother, an avid fan of the style, which has its roots in African, Caribbean culture, particularly Puerto Rico and Cuba. “Mum took me to my first salsa class one Sunday at a club called Villa Stefano’s in London.” Says London-born dancer and choreographer. “A girl asked me to dance and that was all I needed. The following week I started classes.”

Soon Leon submerged himself in the genre and was eagerly seeking out the innovators. Rose embraced salsa and delved deep into its roots. He sought out the most influential teachers in the British scene. At the time, though salsa had a loyal following, it hadn’t yet burst onto the mainstream, but thanks to the innovators who inspired Leon, salsa’s mainstream acceptance was at hand. With his natural flare, refreshing style and engaging personality, Leon was soon tapped for dance projects, including an appearance on the long-running BBC TV staple, Top of the Pops, where he performed with Spanish pop sensation, Enrique Iglesias.

DOTTY was born in Hungary, spent her childhood in Santiago de Cuba. This time brought her directly to dancing, started with ballet and ballroom dances. These two lines were her main style until she finished the Professinal Ballet School of Ballet Győr. When she won ’The best graduated dancer in Hungary 2002’ award, and became the first couple in the Latin Ballroom Raking List in 2001 with her partner, Andras Faluvegi. After the school she joined Budapest Dance Theatre for 4 years directed by Béla Földi, and became one of the main dancers. They were touring around Europe, Italy, France, Holland and Israel. She spent impressive years with Badora Dance Company Eger, where she was the main character of the Nutcracker, and had some experiance in acting too. From 2006 was working beside the dancing as a Stott Pilates Personal Trainer at the Balance Studio Budapest. Moved to London at the beginning of 2010, where she met Leon Rose, and joined the Paris based Project. Salsa was always the part of her life since she finished the ballroom dances, but she comitted herself to the cross body style since she moved to London. Choreographed a few contemporary pieces in Hungary, such as ’One body with two souls’, which was the early bird of her own style called ’Consla’. Recently she works on develope the technique which is an interesting fusion of contemporary, contact and salsa dancing.


A Leon Rose routine is as exhilarating to watch as it is to dance, and it seems that dance fans around the globe agree. Leon has taken his unique and innovative style to as far afield as Eastern Europe, Asia and the Middle East and travelled extensively in South America and the Caribbean, inspiring salsa enthusiasts to add their own unique flavor to the art form.

It seems that, when it comes to his beloved genre, there are no limits. “Salsa is my life. Every day involves salsa some how. Whether it’s rehearsing for a show or jumping on a plane to go teach in another country…” He enthuses. “I’m in another world when I’m creating and each time I dance, whether it’s on the dancefloor, in the rehearsal studio or even on stage, I’m creating…Within salsa there is not much I won’t do…As long as I’m being true to the art and myself”


Leon Rose2018-10-10T08:08:05-04:00
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